As all sisters do, they fought until it drove me crazy! In a desperate attempt to regain my sanity and save their lives, I decided it was time to seperate them. The girls had been couped up in one room and had to share EVERYTHING! They slept on a bunk bed that had a full size bed on the bottom and a twin on top.The toy room no longer exists and my scrapbook area is now a little smaller. Oh well, it's worth it. Alayna moved into the basement which is unfinished, but has carpet and painted walls.
She had it decorated in no time. By the time I finished up with the girls' room, she was all moved in! It has been wonderful for all of us and she loves the privacy--she's at that age! Here are a few shots of her new room. We have a few more things to do down there so it can be a little more comfortable and more "stylish" for her.Alayna is SOOOOO excited about her new room!
Here is a peek at Molly & Devyn's room:

We didn't do too much in here except take out the bunk bed and set up the twin beds. The boys will have to stay in their cribs a bit longer. These were going to be their beds. It has made a world of difference by doing this. The girls all have their own space and I now know who REALLY was the slob! I won't mention any names. :)
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