Anthony was the first one in the "chair" and hopped right up and opened his mouth immediately. The hygenist didn't even have her mask, gloves, or equipment ready. She told him he didn't have to open his mouth yet, but bless his little heart, he kept it open. He sat completely still and was smiling the whole time. He LOVED it! He picked his bubble gum toothpaste and his yellow toothbrush and away he went. He was a stellar patient!

Dominick's turn...I was so scared, and it wasn't for myself, it was for the hygenist. I thought for sure he'd flip out and be totally uncooperative. I WAS WRONG! He was able to watch Anthony first and I think that helped. Dominick hopped up in the chair not too sure of what was to happen, but it all went smoothly when he realized that the chair moved up and down and he went for a ride. He hollered: "Woo Hoo!" He was even ok with his "drool napkin" as he called it and opened his mouth on demand. It was really cute because his little tongue was all over the place and kept knocking the mirror and tools out of his mouth. Repeatedly he told the lady that he was thirsty so she would squirt water in his mouth and use the spit sucker. LOL.
They were VERY good and proud that they went to the dentist. I'm glad it was a great experience for them and will continue. The pictures of them smiling are AFTER their visit. They are showing us their pearly whites! Most important of all....NO CAVITIES!