Tuesday, April 3, 2007


I'd like to share some funny stuff that happens with the boys. Dominick as you might have heard, is a curious boy. ALL BOY is exactly what he is. Let's put it this way...my VCR now has masking tape across the entire front thanks to him. Within a matter of a few hours, he has managed to SHOVE a gamecube disk and then he "placed" not one or two, but THREE bottles of nailpolish into the apparatus. I will add that to my list of previous finds: pens, toothbrushes, paper, toy linking rings, CD's, food, & other misc. stuff. We have also discovered that Dominick LOVES to be bare naked while being at a birthday party. Nice, huh? He was getting ready for bed and he escaped! He ran into the kitchen (with about 10 people) with nothing on but his socks. He was laughing, giggling, screatching, and celebrating his nudity. Apparently he thought they said to come in your birthday suit!

Moving on...Anthony has decided to turn the tables on us. He could be described as a sweet, quiet, cuddly boy. Much to our surprise, he is currently possessed, so we think. He now stomps his foot, shakes his fist, and scrunches up his nose while he lets out a disgusted grunt. This usually happens when he is caught playing with the computer mouse or pulling out every sheet of paper that we own. He has also grown not too fond of getting his diaper changed. The other night Jon was changing his diaper and he decided to throw a fit. He was throwing anything he could reach and he was aiming for Jon's head. I think he even tried to throw a sticker, but it stuck to his hand. That really ticked him off. So, as he is throwing his tantrum, here comes Dominick. That's a BIG oh, no because he usually steps on his head or steals a toy. Instead, much to our surprise, he picks up Anthony's bottle and shoves it right in his mouth. Apparently, he couldn't take his obnoxious noise anymore either! It was sweet and funny and the same time.

It is unfortunate that I am able to post any new (recent) pictures right now. I have to send my camera in for repair and I have some pictures I'll need to recover. Hope all is well. I must go, there are 2 babies in need of my attention.