Tuesday, August 26, 2008


School has officially started! Yahoo! IThe decreased noise level is a welcomed sound. Yes, I still have the boys, but they were so good and I think that they enjoyed having the house back to themselves. However, they cried when the girls left. Throughout the day when they saw or heard a school bus go by, they ran to the door or window to see if their sisters were coming. It was really cute.

The girls started yesterday (Monday) and only had a half day. Alayna is in 6th grade and started at a new school. She was very anxious to get to school today so that she could switch classes and use her locker. Her school starts an hour later than she's used to, so she's getting up about the same time as the girls and getting ready, but has no where to go. I think she's forgotten that she can sleep in a little later!

Devyn, Alayna, & Molly

Devyn & Molly

Devyn & Molly




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