I thought that these pictures were worthy of adding to the site. The girls went to their friends', Lilly & Emily's house for a swim. They are in walking/bike riding distance which makes it nice to visit them. Alayna went to Kindergarten with them and remains pretty close even though they go to different schools. The reason for posting the photos is because they turned out really nice and I figured I should document this for when the girls say they don't do anything and they are BORED! I'll have them come back to the website to refresh their memories. :)
The girls have become little "fishies" this summer. Alayna & Molly do tricks off of the diving board, swim under water, and have races. They do really well and Molly has improved her underwater skills immensely. Alayna has been swimming for awhile now and took to it right away as she does everything else.
Devyn has made leaps & bounds this year, literally. She wouldn't even get her face wet last year and was still wearing arm floaties in the shallow end. This year, she started off by putting her face underwater. One day she decided that she wanted to jump off of the diving board and just went for it. After I recovered from my heart failure, I had realized that she jumped in without any kind of floating device and swam right over to the ladder. Now, we can't keep her out of the deep end! I am forever being asked to watch her as she discovers that she can do new tricks such as underwater somersaults. She said she was very proud of herself. We told her she has every right to be. What an accomplishment.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Alvin, Simon & Theodore...
I took the boys, Molly, & Devyn to a family matinee today while Alayna was at volleyball camp. I figured since Alvin & the Chipmunks was a favorite of the boys, I would be safe to try a movie outing with them. I was right! They loved it. They sat surprisingly still for most of it. I let them explore the theater before it started so that they weren't so antsy during the show. The front row seats seemed to be a big hit and they made themselves right at home. No thanks, I can't do the front row, so back to our seats we went.
It was a lot of fun & we're going to try to do it again next week when Jake's on vacation. I would've never thought to take the boys to a movie, but it was a lot of fun to watch them with their eyes wide open, dancing, & clapping. They drank all the pop they could before I caught them. It was 10 a.m., so I was trying to monitor it...didn't work out so well. Especially after Dominick dropped his "full" pop all over the floor and my pants. Whoops! It was to be expected.
When the movie began, Dominick was amazed with the whole setup and said, "Ooooh, what a big TV!" He then got off his chair and started looking around. I asked him what he was doing and he said, "Mote are you?" (translated: Remote, where are you?) Anthony just sat & smiled & laughed the whole time. He snuggled with Devyn most of the time and then decided to sit by me. I think we changed seats about 5 times. All in all, it was great time, even with wet pants.
It was a lot of fun & we're going to try to do it again next week when Jake's on vacation. I would've never thought to take the boys to a movie, but it was a lot of fun to watch them with their eyes wide open, dancing, & clapping. They drank all the pop they could before I caught them. It was 10 a.m., so I was trying to monitor it...didn't work out so well. Especially after Dominick dropped his "full" pop all over the floor and my pants. Whoops! It was to be expected.
When the movie began, Dominick was amazed with the whole setup and said, "Ooooh, what a big TV!" He then got off his chair and started looking around. I asked him what he was doing and he said, "Mote are you?" (translated: Remote, where are you?) Anthony just sat & smiled & laughed the whole time. He snuggled with Devyn most of the time and then decided to sit by me. I think we changed seats about 5 times. All in all, it was great time, even with wet pants.

"If I could just find the RIGHT chair!"

It's inevitable...Anthony in the theater, with the DS game passing time during the previews.

"Mmmm...POPCORN! If I'm quiet, maybe I won't have to share."

"Oh, Molly...I KNOW you want a puppy lick!"

Molly & Dominick sharing the treats before the spill.

My darling boys living it large while watching their very first movie.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Just a few shots of Anthony acting goofy at dinner. He was quite the comedian and did it all with spaghetti all over his face. Mr. Picky Eater lives up to his name, but devours any Italian dish.

You have also had the chance to take a peek at the "Subway" back pack filled with plastic food that he carried around all day long. He cried when we took it off because he couldn't take a nap with it on, get his diaper changed or sit in his car seat with it on. It was very cute, and boy did he LOVE it! The backpack is getting its use--Devyn got it for her 7th birthday and carried it everywhere too.
July 20th, what a great day! It's the day Neil Armstrong landed on the moon, my Aunt Val turned another year older, my Grandma Joan celebrated her 80th birthday and went skydiving...AND last, but not least...I turned 35! The reality of the gray hairs appearing and wrinkles that used to not be there, the "early bedtime", aching muscles and creeks when I get up in the morning, the absence of high heels because they hurt too much, and the few occasions I wear "big girl" makeup in public, has just sunk in all of a sudden as to how old I really am. I am bound & determined to keep my pants at waist level, my bra at chest level, style my hair with things other than just a comb, and not answer when someone calls me "Ma'am." My dreams of the younger days are only memories blurred with the present reality & the mere fact that I am older and closer to 40. Ugh! I was always one to tease others approaching the 40 year mark, but now I think I'll keep my opinions to myself! A slap of reality has just hit me. I still feel young & I know that I am not THAT old, but will vow to take better care of myself and not let another moment slip through the cracks.
On Saturday, after returning from a POISON concert (which was great & louder than I remember concerts to be--sign of aging), I pull into a dark driveway around midnight to find neon letters shining back at me from the headlights...

Thanks, mom!

There you have it ladies & gentlemen...the "mature, all grown-up" 35 year old.
Please note: I am squinting because of the sun, not bad eyesight! (smile)
On Saturday, after returning from a POISON concert (which was great & louder than I remember concerts to be--sign of aging), I pull into a dark driveway around midnight to find neon letters shining back at me from the headlights...

Thanks, mom!

There you have it ladies & gentlemen...the "mature, all grown-up" 35 year old.
Please note: I am squinting because of the sun, not bad eyesight! (smile)
I have obviously not accepted this coming of age too well, so please forward any future emails to the current nursing home that accepts my Medicare application. Ha! Ha!
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