Tuesday, October 23, 2007
If you are reading this, please send me an email to let me know because I do not have email addresses for everyone since I've switched computers. I'd like to let everyone know when I update, so if you'd like a notice when I do that, please let me know. Plus, I'd like to have all of the addresses I'm missing. My address is: s.bilich@insightbb.com
Thanks & love to all...
Thursday, October 18, 2007
The girls are getting ready for Halloween. Their costume of choice is...Devyn (50's girl with poodle skirt), Alayna I think this is what she'll be (Lola-Hannah Montana's sidekick), Molly (Lola too!) Both of their friends are going as Hannah Montana and they are tag teaming the trick or treating scene. I'm not quite sure what the boys will be right now because neither of them will wear a costume. They don't even like hats or anything that's not clothes. So, they might just be wearing a Halloween shirt. It depends on the weather too.
Much of my life was taken hostage because I was doing the school directory for Molly & Devyn's schools. I have recently finished and am working on the task of finishing my famiy's newsletter. Nothing else exciting except for...we have a new addition to our family. Oh, I guess I shouldn't phrase it THAT way! Through Jon's work auction, we won a Sony Handycam video camera. I am sooooooo thrilled. Alayna is 10 and I don't have any videos of the kids. I just keep in the back of my mind that this will be good blackmail footage down the road. Ha ha!
Well, enough of me chatting...Onto the pictures!
1st day of school
Dominick & Anthony
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Tuesday, August 7, 2007
I thought that I would let everyone know why I have not updated recently. I didn't even change the background like I had planned. After Aug 20th, I will be a good girl and fill everyone in and post pictures. We should have a lot of new ones from vacation. Check back to see what fun we had!
Monday, July 16, 2007
Anthony spreads the word...Say no to crack!
Dominick with his pants on his head: June 2007
Dominick talking on the phone, his favorite thing to do!
Alayna thought Anthony would like to be shoved into a pillowcase!
Devyn's fake fingernails with flowers & jewels that she got for her birthday. She's a diva!
Jon & his wife Kay, have 4 kids. Andrew-15, Zachary-8, Jacob-6, & Kayden-4 mos. Jon's mom & my dad were married way back when, but when they divorced, Jon was still stuck with me! I spent a lot of time with Andrew when he was little and he called me Aunt Samara. It's been awhile since I have seen him due to distance & our separate lives. I think of him all of the time. He has matured into a young man and wow that make me feel old. He is beginning to drive and I can't quite grasp that concept. Thank god Alayna has a few more year until I have to worry about that.
Anyway, we also had a chance to get to know his brothers a little better other than a wave and an awkward hello. The kids played video games, went on the slip n slide, and chatted non-stop. Zach introduced the girls to a "tasting" of fresh raspberries from the vine. He told me that he & his dad take care of the garden. Jacob is full of energy and reminds me of an older version of Dominick. He's also pretty cool because he has the same birthday as me. Then there's Kayden. The baby girl of the bunch. She's adorable and definitely gets a lot of attention from everyone. Those boys don't know what's in store for them until she starts getting a little older. They'd better be ready to get a makeover with glitter and lipstick and start wearing pink.
Here is a picture of the Sperry boys & Bilich girls. Andrew & his dad were playing a serious game of basketball (I think Andrew was throwing some illegal elbows to the head!) & baby Kayden was snoozin', so they weren't available for the photo op.

Friday, July 6, 2007
Scene of the crime...a little house on Dixie Drive. The suspect's daughter asked her to make a homemade birthday cake with fresh custard filling and decorated with her favorite colors, pink, orange, & purple. The mother thought it would be a nice gesture to make a cake with love and spend a little quality time with her.
Everything was peaceful and the house was filled with a vanilla-like aroma. Moods were pleasant, the oven was heating at a consistent temperature, and all the decorations for the cake were laid out neatly on the counter. THEN, the disaster began. Homemade custard doesn't taste like bakery custard, the frosting looks way prettier in a can than it does laying all of the counter in 4 bowls with food coloring and knives scattered all around. The sprinkles also look a lot nicer when they manage to stay off of the floor! And who the heck is so talented that they can make a cake that is perfectly even? For sure not me!
I give credit to all those cake decorators and bakers. I guess all that matters is that Devyn got her birthday wish and she was proud of her cake that she helped to make. I had never made a 2 layer cake with homemade filling, nor do I think that I will ever do it again. It did taste just fine, and it looked presentable, but shoot me if I ever decide to attempt that again. This photo will be added to the collection of dessert photos that I made and will never make again.
Because Alayna & Devyn's birthdays are so close together, we had Devyn's party on Father's Day & had a cookout. We had family over and stuffed our faces.
The birthday girl (aka Doodle) with her fancy cake.
Devyn opening one of her many outfits. She is a fashion princess.
The cake was so yummy, Devyn decided to eat it with her face!
This is a "play" Subway pack that we gave to her on her real birthday. She played with it everyday for a week straight and packed it all away neatly in her backpack. I think she fell asleep with on one night.
Since we already had a party, her actual birthday, June 24th was a low-key day. I made her a special dinner and during the day she, her sisters, and 2 friends went to one of the public pool to swim. This is an official picture of Devyn at 7 years old!
That's all for now because we are headed out to swim at a friend's house and it takes quite awhile to pack everyone up. Goodbye for now. Thanks for stopping by.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Our tour begins with our most popular feature...VALET PARKING
(our drivers have many months of experience & probably won't lose your keys!)
Watch out ladies, he's not even potty trained.
There you have it. Don't be jealous! It was a beautiful day today and we spent quite a bit of it outside. We have the sunburns to prove it! I just wanted to share a few cute photos with you and show you how we spend our time in our HUGE back yard. We set up little play areas and the kids go from activity to activity. We invited a friend & her brother over today to play. (She's one of our bathing beauties in the photo above.) It was 7 of them against 1 of me. FUN, FUN!
Don't leak the family secret: you have a hotel heiress in your family (& she's not even in jail)! For anyone who would like to make a reservation and in need of a family get-away, please call... 1-800-USO-CRAZ (YOU SO CRAZY) so I can make sure that the resident maid tidies up your room! Thanks for visiting. Hope you've enjoyed your stay!
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Devyn posed for a quick photo while swimming at camp.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
For those of you who weren't aware, my mom just graduated with her Associates Degree from Rock Valley. My Aunt & Uncle threw a party for her. It was really a nice time. She worked hard and finished rather quickly. She would probably disagree that it went by quickly. My mom doesn't ask for much, and everyone is always busy, but she got one thing I knew she really wanted...a family picture with all of her children. I'm not up for being in pictures, I'm usually behind the camera. So, here's the famous picture...
(By the way, I don't think I'm related to these people-Ha! Ha!)
Justin, Deb, Samara, & Arthur
This is just a short blog to give you a sneek peek into the daily lives of the Bilich clan. If any of you think you may want these sweet, adorable, hilarious, crazy kids, please let me know. I will pack their bags for a week just in case you decide to keep them longer!
Dominick was nowhere to be found. He snuck into the girls' room and I believe he just finished hanging off of the bunk bed. I knew he was in the room because I saw their lights flicking on & off. That is one of his favorite past times.
Thanks to this clown, he has managed to "reset" my desktop, run the virus program, open email, and change settings on the computer. Maybe our next Bill Gates?
After seeing this smile, I am no longer mad about the computer. Isn't he sweet?
Peace out, brother!
Don't mess with the Mollster!
This is Devyn's favorite part of making cookies. She has FINALLY stopped licking the beaters BEFORE the cookies are done. It was very hard to offer guests cookies if Devyn helped.