Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Alayna all decked out in softball gear, waiting to bat!

This is obviously a picture of her batting. I couldn't think of anything clever to add for a comment!

Alayna & Taylor
This is one of her best friends. Her dad is one of the coaches.

For you viewing pleasure, Dominick will display his NEW favorite thing to do without pants during a softball game. I omitted the graphic pictures of him eating rocks and dirt for the sensitive viewers. :)

Anthony shows his disgusts to any strikes called against his sister.
Alayna's game was on Sunday that included an opening ceremony, team photo, and the first official game of the season. We missed the rain and the weather was in our favor. She played 1st base and right field for that game. Their team lost, but they played hard. It was about a 4 hour ordeal and the end to a VERY long weekend. She had another game on Monday (yesterday) and she experienced what it was like to play in the rain. She said it was fun. Her positions for this last game were shortstop and catcher. That was really exciting for her. After
the game, another loss, she practiced pitching. It's nice that she gets to rotate positions. She got 2 outs when she was shortstop, so that was the most exciting position for her. We'll see what the future holds. She's like her dad, she will be able to play any position if she practices. The coaches say that she has a good glove. Here's praying for a win tomorrow to boost the team's spirit. We'll keep you posted, but that's all for now.

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