Well, where do I even begin this story? I am reporting this to you fresh off the presses. Dominick awoke this morning at the usual 6:30ish am and climbed out of his crib and made his grand entrance while running into my room announcing, "It's me, Do-mi-nick. All done sleeping Mommy." This is very common for the mornings. He snuggles in my bed and watches cartoons and I drift in and out of sleep hoping to catch a few more minutes of sleep until Anthony wakes up. Dominick snuggles up, rubs my face and plays with my hair and whispers, "Mommy, where's my special cake?"
THE STORY BEHIND THE CAKE: This "special cake" is a plastic cake from the play kitchen set they have in the playroom. He has been very intrigued with making coffee and giving everyone a piece of his special cake. Just yesterday I was invited, more like demanded, to sit at his little table to share in a "lunch" that he made for me that consisted of a hamburger aka "Krabby patty", carrots, bread, banana, coffee (that he freshly brewed) and of course, his "special cake". I was so excited to partake in this "gourmet" lunch that he prepared for me. I begin to start my lunch and Dominick pushed me out of the chair and pointed in the direction of the one he had been sitting in. He proceeds to tell me that I can just have the piece of bread and that's it. He then offered up the carrots. What a guy! I thanked him for the "lunch" and asked if I could taste the coveted cake. The answer was of course, NO!
Okay, so now you've got the idea of how important this cake is to him. As I open my eyes to see that he is right in my face, I tell him it's in the kitchen and he can go get it, but to come right back. I lay half awake and here him go down the stairs and then come back up. In my daze, it felt like he was gone 5 seconds. I assumed that he had sat on the floor to play with his cake and didn't hear a peep, then...WHACK! I had just been hit upside the head with a gallon of milk while he announced that he would like some "chock-a-lit milk"! I guess I shouldn't close my eyes with him on the prowl.
A few minutes later after I came out of shock, I went down stairs and of course made him some chocolate milk and one for Anthony who had stumbled into the room within a few seconds of the "assault". I plopped him on the bed and snuggled him up and he waited patiently, as he always does, for his chocolate milk too. When I realized what shirt he had on and what it said, I took advantage of the Kodak moment and knew that this story should not go untold. So, I will now share with you the photos that will enlighten you and make you chuckle at the same time! Gotta love these boys!
THE STORY BEHIND THE CAKE: This "special cake" is a plastic cake from the play kitchen set they have in the playroom. He has been very intrigued with making coffee and giving everyone a piece of his special cake. Just yesterday I was invited, more like demanded, to sit at his little table to share in a "lunch" that he made for me that consisted of a hamburger aka "Krabby patty", carrots, bread, banana, coffee (that he freshly brewed) and of course, his "special cake". I was so excited to partake in this "gourmet" lunch that he prepared for me. I begin to start my lunch and Dominick pushed me out of the chair and pointed in the direction of the one he had been sitting in. He proceeds to tell me that I can just have the piece of bread and that's it. He then offered up the carrots. What a guy! I thanked him for the "lunch" and asked if I could taste the coveted cake. The answer was of course, NO!
Okay, so now you've got the idea of how important this cake is to him. As I open my eyes to see that he is right in my face, I tell him it's in the kitchen and he can go get it, but to come right back. I lay half awake and here him go down the stairs and then come back up. In my daze, it felt like he was gone 5 seconds. I assumed that he had sat on the floor to play with his cake and didn't hear a peep, then...WHACK! I had just been hit upside the head with a gallon of milk while he announced that he would like some "chock-a-lit milk"! I guess I shouldn't close my eyes with him on the prowl.
A few minutes later after I came out of shock, I went down stairs and of course made him some chocolate milk and one for Anthony who had stumbled into the room within a few seconds of the "assault". I plopped him on the bed and snuggled him up and he waited patiently, as he always does, for his chocolate milk too. When I realized what shirt he had on and what it said, I took advantage of the Kodak moment and knew that this story should not go untold. So, I will now share with you the photos that will enlighten you and make you chuckle at the same time! Gotta love these boys!

Dominick with his "chock-a-lit milk, special cake" and of course, his sock!
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