Molly--the model. I have this same exact picture on the bench when we came here for kindergarten. Brings back memories, my how they grow up.

Molly & I after the trip. We were exhausted from walking all day. Whew!
Our next adventure was the Brownie camping trip in May. They were 2 troops and lots of girls. We did the usual stuff like hiking, swimming, used the outdoor latrines (not Molly's favorite part), cooked over the campfire, and ate smores, of course. Our trips to the zoo and camping were 2 weeks in a row. Molly & I were able to spend a lot of quality time and enjoyed every moment of it like we always do. It's still cool to her to spend time with her mom.

Molly & one of her best buds, Jessica.
That's about it for Molly. She's still easygoing and doesn't require much attention. She is also looking forward to the summer. She plans to take some swimming lessons & hang out with her friends.
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