Friday, May 11, 2007


Alayna...our future astronaut!

Inside the "heart": Alayna (R) & her friend Mackenzie (L) give me a quick smile.

This was really cool. Alayna got a chance to experience what a submarine training experience was like. She & her friend had to try to keep the submarine level so they didn't nosedive to the bottom. They failed a few missions, but came back determined to pass...and they did!

This is one of the pictures Alayna didn't want to take, you know, the one with her MOM! Funny thing is that I am not really sure what we're standing in front of because Alayna gave me the OK that we could take a picture, but we had to take it right there because she didn't have time to pose in front of everything! Her infinite patience was in rare form that day.
There you have it! A small glimpse into our exciting day. Our day started with a bus trip beginning at 7:15 am. We arrived at the museum at 9:30am and departed about 2:30. Lucky us, we hit Chicago traffic and didn't get back to the school until about 5:00 pm. It made for a long day, but we had a great time.
Everyone was broken into groups, so it was just Alayna, Mackenzie, & I. Mackenzie is one of her really good friends and lives near us. So, we all knew each other well and goofed off. We saw all exhibits except for the coalmine & the Zephyr train. Maybe next time. The girls made sure that I got my exercise that day. They were in charge of the map and they didn't want to go one floor at a time, just whatever part looked the next coolest thing to do or where they saw some of their friends.
We took a tour of a U-505 German submarine that was captured. I remember seeing it from when I was a kid, but it was even more interesting as an adult. The girls were flabbergasted and just ooooh'd and aaaah'd for awhile after we were finished.
All in all, it was a fun and educational day. It was nice to have a little one on one time with Alayna. She gets mixed up in the shuffle at times and is growing up faster that I can keep up with her. I'm sure that she enjoyed doing some "big kid" stuff. If it were up to her, she & her friend would've liked that I stayed about 20 feet behind them, but I kept bugging them for pictures and assisted in a game plan so we could see a lot of the museum's 3 floors!
That's all for now. Weather's been kind to us lately, so that means many more photo opportunities to come. My quiet time is up, Dominick is banging on the wall. That's how he lets me know that he's awake! Anthony just sits there & smiles until I pick him up.
Happy Mother's Day to all who it may apply...until next time.

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